Barbie Fever is Sweeping Knoxville Blogs

So it’s not just me. Other bloggers in Knoxville are being bombarded with Barbie traffic as well.

Joe Powell :

An insatiable desire to find Hitleresque cat pics and porn doesn’t exactly boost my overall optimism in web-aware humans. It makes me wonder if there is some nefarious site of Hitler Porn which gathers billions of readers.)

I wouldn’t doubt it.  I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll end up saying it again…

Blogging is a lot like having a yard sale. The only thing more amazing that what people are completely uninterested in buying is what they are interested in buying.

Another Great Ron Paul Interview

What is it that possesses anybody to think that governments, which (are) not trusted by anybody, should have the power to create money out of thin air and create runaway spending and allow the politicians to not worry about deficits in order to buy reelection?

The full interview is here.

The only area I really disagree with Dr. Paul is on immigration.  However, I do agree with him that the problem would basically solve itself if we ended entitlements.  The free (tax payer financed) services we offer are motivation enough for them to risk coming here illegally, especially when they know nothing will happen to them once they are here.  End the motivation and the problem would no longer be a problem…a nuisance at best.

Read the whole article.  Again, it is too bad that this kind of common sense (and Constitutional) talk isn’t en vogue in the big parties.

It Will Be Here Before We Know It

This Countdown to a Bush Free America site has great revenue producing potential.

I haven’t thought about this in years, but there was a band in Knoxville in the early 90s called The Used. They eventually changed their sound and morphed into Superdrag and became pretty successful.

The Used was my favorite local band for a while. They were pretty punk and had notoriously great parties at their house. I think one of their songs was “No Bush ’93”, but it could have been an Underwear Meatclock song.

I only remember a few lyrics to this song:

No Bush ninety-three!

No Bush ninety-three!

No Bush ninety-three!

What’s Clinton gonna do for me?

More Important Legislation in Tennessee

This one will require mandatory HIV testing of PIMPs (Prostitution Industry Management Professionals).

This has taken things too far.  It’s about time someone stand up and push for deregulation of PIMPing.  It has gotten to the point that PIMPs are so busy filling out gov’ment paperwork and making sure they are abiding by all of the codes that they hardly have time time to concentrate on their core business–smackin’ ‘ho’s and foldin’ bank.

Free market enthusiasts unite!  If the state continues to create more and  more bureaucracy for sex industry management professionals Continue reading “More Important Legislation in Tennessee”

Apologies to the Thompsons

Looks like I inadvertantly angered a couple of Fred’s relatives who read Bob Krumm. Sorry about that…didn’t mean to issue fuedin’ words.

If you are a fan of my biting humor (I did it mostly for you, Shizzle Van Dizzle) and sarcasm you may find it worth a read. If you are not, that means it has probably been directed at you in the last few days and you are still pouting about it. When you get over the fact that I hurt your feelings and realize that everything I say is mostly joking with a little bit of truth, go back and read it.

Seriously, Bob maintains a really informative site with frequent updates, good regional information, and some great original thought. Because his site is ad-free (unlike mine), you know he’s doing it just because he loves it. I read it every day. Check him out.

Gingrich and Kerry to Debate

Not presidential though, it’s climate.  What once was touted as a concern for humanity has now officially been polarized by the Republicrats as a way to sell books and get some “look at me” time.  Jeremy Jacobs has the full story.

I couldn’t help but be amused by this:

“As a father, when someone tells me that within the next decade, if we don’t deal with global warming, our children and grandchildren may deal with global catastrophe, that tells me I damn well better do whatever I can to help make Washington deal with this responsibly,” Kerry added.

Really?  When someone tells me that we’re headed towards a global catastrophe, it tells me that I damn well better figure out if this guy is full of shit before I work myself into a panic unnecessarily.

I tried to find something in there to make fun of Newt as well, just to be fair, but couldn’t.  Continue reading “Gingrich and Kerry to Debate”

Summing Up the Rest of Drudge Today

Nancy Pelosi proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that she is an idiot.

Jimmy Carter proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is (still) an idiot.

Mitt Romney proves he is as full of it as almost every other politician.

And then there’s this

My brother made a Freddy Krueger glove when we were kids, and I thought it was AWESOME!  To my knowledge, he never tried to slice my face off while I was sleeping, but maybe that was only because I always slept with a machete in hand and my face protected by a hockey mask.  😛

Dollars – The American Language

One of the big issues surrounding the illegal immigration debate is language. Here in Tennessee, legislation has been sponsored to limit the languages of state documents to English only, and there have been other issues involving foreign language books in public school libraries. It seems to be old reliable for anti-immigration people–attack the fact that immigrants can’t/don’t/won’t speak English.

Continue reading “Dollars – The American Language”