It’s Not A National I.D.

It’s a Federal Driver’s License.  You recognize the difference, right?


The rationalization for this plan, of course, is the same as that for any authoritarian program…a centrally mandated, controlled, and issued driver’s license will make it more difficult for con artists, drug traffickers, illegal immigrants, or terrorists to gain access to identification that could compromise our security. 

You feel better about it now, don’t you?  No?  This should help:

By 2014, anyone seeking to board an airplane or enter a federal building would have to present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, with the notable exception of those more than 50 years old, Homeland Security officials said.

It’s funny.  They keep calling it a “driver’s license,” but they never mention anything about driving.

The Pilot Announced…

the plane was going to crash.  They were headed for sure doom.  A lady stood up and said, “Before we crash, is there any man on this plane that can make me feel like a real woman one last time?”

A man promptly removed his shirt and said, “Here, iron this.”

I just thought I’d throw that out there.

He’s Ba-ack!

EJ’s Damn Sexy Morality Void has finally been updated. I ran into him Sunday and there are a ton of new stories that he could post. The question–when will he? Unfortunately, he can’t spell or punctuate all that well, but he has a way with words that is rivaled only by his way with women.

she asks me on a date. i say yes so we go into another room for our date.

How romantic.

This Hits a Nerve

XKCD is an online comic strip for nerds.  Usually they stick to programming, uh, “jokes” and making fun of the fact that nerds can’t get girls.  I have had chick-getting skills so I mostly like this strip to laugh at my peers.  But this one cut pretty deep…

My (sort of) Smoke Free Workplace

The company I work for removed all smoking areas upon our return on Wednesday as the second part of their plan to eliminate smoking on our campus completely.  The State of Tennessee is eventually going to make us do it anyway, right?  As of January 2, employees are only allowed to smoke in their cars.

I bet on the under (2 days) and was unpleasantly pleased to find I’d won with plenty of breathing room when I walked into the restroom yesterday and smelled cigarette smoke less than 12 hours after the ban had been implemented.

Isn’t it funny that treating people like children almost guarantees they will act like children?

The next bet is how long it will take for the company to require management to take turns patroling the restrooms to catch outlaw smokers.

My 2007 Year in Review

Unlike everyone else, I slacked off and waited until 2008 was officially here to do my review. 2007 was my first year of full on blogging. I’d messed around here and there with different blogs before, but 2007 was the year I drank the Kool Aid and went at it for real. I’ll keep this list confined to what occurred on this blog. You’ve probably guessed by now that I’m somewhat guarded about the personal life. Enough about me…here are my thoughts on my 10 most notable posts of 2007:

Ron Paul’s Presidential Run
At times it seemed to me that Ron Paul news was taking over this blog. On one hand I feel like I need to apologize for that, but on the other hand, it’s my blog and that’s what I was interested in. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who was excited by Dr. Paul’s message, and I hopefully played a small part in helping him get elected. More on that later this year, as I have some thoughts on what is realistic, and what is for the best.

Knox County Scandals
There were more in 2007 than I can even count. That makes you wonder how much stuff is going on that we haven’t even heard about yet. Last week I saw a t-shirt that read, “Miami: A sunny place for shady people.” Knox County seems to have the market cornered on shadiness this year.

Steroids in Sports (and Non-Sports)
My bottom line–WHO CARES? Next topic.

People Getting Nekkid and Almost Nekkid
I got a ton of traffic this year writing articles about Vanessa Hudgens, along with a couple of articles about the Inskip teacher who had arguably inappropriate photos on MySpace. I don’t really care who gets naked and takes photos of it, I just wonder how people can do that and not retain ALL digital copies of the material. Idiots.

Barbie Cummings and the Highway Patrol
This was just a funny local story that ended up causing me to exceed my bandwidth when it went national and I ended up ranking #3 on Google for “Barbie Cummings Blog”. Since then, Ms. Cummings life has apparently changed dramatically, much for the better. How do I know that? I’m resourceful, and it didn’t take much digging anyway. Nevertheless, it seems like she wants to leave that part of her life behind her, so I think it’s time this story finally died and went away, never to be mentioned here again.

Tennessee Smoking Ban
Thank you to our state’s elected leaders for writing and enforcing personal choice laws on private property. If you really want to look out for me and mine, stop wasting our tax dollars on this crap. Next thing you know we’re going to have to provide health care for people who would’ve otherwise died if you’d not spent millions trying to keep them from smoking.

Buddies Blogging
Some people I know IRL also started blogs this year. It’s funny that you can go months or years without talking or emailing with someone, and this medium puts you in the position to “converse” with them every day. Even when it isn’t dialog, you read what they write and they read what you write. Very cool. Not to mention the countless other blogs I’ve begun to read that I never would have learned about if I’d not started blogging for real this year.

The War On Education
Also known as the public school system. I feel like I don’t spend enough time or energy talking about this because I think it’s the number one problem facing our country. Solutions are anything but clear and simple, but one thing I’m very excited about for this coming year is that I’ve got an idea that may help a little, at least for individuals. I’m finishing up some other projects, and then I’m going at it full force.

Blogging About Blogging
As I said, 2007 was my first year blogging full throttle, and boy did I learn a lot. I posted a ton of stuff about monetizing, driving traffic, building networks, linking to other people, and I’m sure lots of other stuff that annoys people. I can’t help it…my interest is peaked. Another project I want to tackle for this year is keeping that stuff off of this site and directing it to a different blog that is dedicated to that subject.

The One I Wish Was More Popular
Just a couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about The Wire. I really wished more people watched this show, especially the season that starts next week which will address the media. I’ve had several great conversations with people who watch The Wire, and I’d love to bring more of them to this venue. In fact, I think I’m going to, despite the fact that most people don’t know about the show. At least I’ll have the bragging rights that a couple of people heard about it from me when they are finally turned on to it.

Why I Don’t Delete Anything (Anymore)

I wrote something on Twitter last night after spending an hour or so reading old emails between the missus and me from our dating days.  At the time we were living 750 miles apart, so email was one of our major means of communication.  Seemingly unrelated, I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about some messages I was reviewing from an old Yahoo! group that was really active 6 or 7 years ago. 

I’ve never been one to knowingly keep a journal, especially one of those “deepest inner secrets” type things.  I know that for some people it’s a theraputic exercise, and I get that, but it’s not something I’ve ever really felt the need to do.  I’m reasonably good at sorting things out in my head, and honestly, there isn’t that much to sort out anyway.  I’m lucky enough to lead a very stress free, unscarred life.  It helps that I have a wide streak of apathy to boot.

However, I really like reviewing the back and forths I had with other people during different times of my life.  The major things in your life don’t need documenting because they are things you’ll always remember.  But it’s hard to think back and remember what happened during an unremarkable day or week.  Reading even the shortest little email from someone else makes it much easier to recall everything else that was going on in my life during that time.

I guess that could be the argument for personal journaling, but it is so much more natural for me to write dialogue instead of a monologue.  I need those other people to make it pop.

So I’m making a proposal to Mrs. Missus (hey, you finally get a real proposal).  How about if we make an effort to send each other an email every now and then, even though we now have the luxury of being able to talk to each other every day?  Maybe you have to communicate with me more than you’d like already, but let’s give it a shot just for a little while, say 5 or 6 years, and see how it goes.

Feel free to email your answer to me…I think you still have the address.

I’m Glad I Didn’t Win

In my most recent poll, I asked readers to choose the most annoying guy on the radio.  Fortunately for me, I have a face made for TV and am not on the radio, so I wasn’t eligible.

But I don’t think I could have competed with Sean Hannity.  He completely ran away with the poll, although I’m sure he’d say that was only because a handful of Ron Paul supporters found a way to hack my site and vote several times.

Hannity received a whopping 60% of the vote.  Maybe not all that impressive, but you have to consider than his buddy Rush was also one of the choices.  At least Rush is funny.

I even tried to make it a little more fair by including Jim Rome as a choice, but to no avail.  Sean Hannity is definitely the most annoying guy on the radio, and you heard ItFrom.Us!

Knoxville Mans Shares Love For Jesus With Prostitute

Unfortunately for him, she wasn’t feeling it.

“I ain’t saying what I did was smart, but I don’t think I did anything wrong,” Bohannon said. “I just saved an infant’s life, and maybe helped spread the love of Jesus a little bit.”

You have to give it to the guy.  Only a true optimist could find the silver lining in getting carjacked by a hooker and her “friend” at knife point in her hotel room.  It gets better:

Bohannon says he picked up Stephanie Rae Starcher, 30, early Tuesday morning to share his Christian testimony. He said he didn’t know she was what police call an admitted prostitute or that he’d end up losing his car to the man in her motel room.

“Early” here probably means 2:00am, not 7:30 am.  Of course, I’m speculating.

This is, by far, the best excuse I’ve heard so far for picking up a prostitute and taking her to a motel room.  Usually on Cops they give some lame excuse like, “She’s my cousin and I’m taking her to work” or the like.  But this guy got super creative.  Bonus points for that.