My Time Off The Grid

When I go off, I go waaaaaay off.

Very light blogging the last few days, but I’ve written a ton of code. All of it is really good, functionally, but nothing I’m prepared to share with the world. See, I have a tendency to get pretty sloppy with my programming unless I know exactly where I’m going before I start. In this case, I was always fixing this “one more thing”, and now I’ve got some cleaning up to do.

It’s not exactly spaghetti, but calling it ravioli would be fair. The reason I like to start any project with a definite roadmap of where I’m going is to avoid this exact situation.

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4 Replies to “My Time Off The Grid”

  1. I always liked to stage my development so that, at the end of each day I had an incomplete, but functioning version. This kept me from brooding about it after hours.

  2. write something to fix that dang ad so that it won’t mess with my scrolling when I first open your site….

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